tsmUnknownErr - any other errors tsmUnsupportedTypeErr - unSupported interface type error tsmScriptHasNoIMErr - script has no imput method or is using old IM tsmInputMethodIsOldErr - returned by GetDefaultInputMethod tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr - text service already opened for the document tsmTSNotOpenErr - text service is not open tsmTSHasNoMenuErr - the text service has no menu tsmUseInputWindowErr - not TSM aware because we are using input window tsmDocumentOpenErr - there are open documents tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr - no text service found tsmCantOpenComponentErr - can’t open the component tsmNoOpenTSErr - no open text service tsmDocNotActiveErr - document is NOT active tsmTSMDocBusyErr - document is still active tsmInvalidDocIDErr - invalid TSM documentation id tsmNeverRegisteredErr - app never registered error (not TSM aware) tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr - want to register again error tsmNotAnAppErr - not an application error tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr